Fruitarianism is a nutrition system and a life style.
The fruitarian diet consists of RAW fruit and seeds ONLY!
Examples of fruits are: Pineapple, mango, banana, avocado, apple, melon, orange, etc., all kinds of berries, and the vegetable fruits such as tomato, cucumber, olives; and dried fruits such as nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, chestnuts, etc.. And seeds including sprouted seeds.
Of all food stuff that human beings can eat, fruit is the most delicious to our taste, has the most pleasurable smell and the most beautiful shape with so many lively colors. Fruit is the only food stuff that can completely satisfy humans…everything else is incomplete…
Its attractive aroma, its appetizing and refreshing juice and its nutritive contents (vitamins, enzymes, minerals, fiber, water, proteins,etc.) make it the BEST food a human being can eat. Fruit is a TOTAL food stuff, it has everything you need to nourish yourself in the right proportions. Fruit, can be stored at room temperature, does not need refrigerator or stove and long periods of time to be prepared, does not badly dirt dishes…
Fruit is a LIVE food !!!! Fruit, has "the power and magic of life"… Fruit nutrition is a very simple concept…from fruit alone, the human body has evolved to produce everything else it needs to stay energetically alive for more than 100 years…